Wednesday , March 26 2025

Paper Exhibitions & Conferences

Paper Exhibitions & Conferences

Paper Exhibitions & Conferences: More than 200 countries have hosted thousands of Paper Supplies Trade Shows. At this platform, you can find updated information about Paper trade fairs including exhibitors, visitors profile, organizers details, show supporters, advertisement and endorsement, venue & date and others in 2023-2024. It helps you to analyze your stand in the market and come up strongly in the show.

Paper Industry in India:

The existence of Indian Paper Industry can be traced back to 1812 when first paper mill was set up in Behranpur. The Industry has grown over the years both horizontally and vertically and today is the world’s 12th major paper producer. Although originally started with softwood and other grasses, the technical innovations over the period of time have enabled the industry to process various kinds of raw materials. The Indian paper industry can be divided into three segments according to the use of raw materials namely wood based, agro based (biogases, wheat straw, rice straw, sarkanda, jute, grasses, etc) and recycled fibre or waste paper based. The industry has undergone a sea change since the first paper mill was set up and today India can boast to have most modern as well as technically advanced paper mills based on annually renewable raw materials like biogases, rice straw, wheat straw, jute, etc producing eco-friendly paper which are exported in large volume.

Today there are more than 800 paper mills in India, out of which around 25 paper mills are wood based, 60 agro residue based paper mills and remaining 715 paper mills are based on recycled or waste paper. Out of total paper production in the country, 70% paper and board is contributed by these non-wood sectors of the Industry. These mills are producing varieties of paper from very simple to highly sophisticated papers, however, there are certain specialty varieties of paper which continue to be imported in the country. India is exporting about 1-2 million tonnes of paper and the figure is increasing annually.

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December 2024: Paper Exhibitions & Conferences

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December 2025: Paper Exhibitions & Conferences